January 19, 2025


National Service for the Pastoral of Migrants

Mass Immigration From Muslim Countries. 2013 Update

The latest figures on the “mass immigration” of immigrants from Muslim countries 1) show that there was a negative net migration in the past year: thus more outflows from our country than there were.

It remains in some circles a hot topic that “mass immigration” from Muslim countries causes a wave of Islamization in our country. I’ve already devoted many pieces to it. My very first blog was called Mass Immigration from Muslim Countries? The numbers and is already almost four years old. Then these were the figures up to 2008 included. I did an update early last year with the figures up to 2010 included and now there are figures up to 2012 included.

In 3 paragraphs, I describe the migration of all immigrants, first and second generation. Each section has a graph from 1996 to 2012 showing immigration, emigration and net migration. In addition, also a mini-table in which I give the total migration of 1996 and broken down before 2002 and from 2002. The new immigration law introduced in 2001 has had a very significant impact on immigration, as the figures show.

Immigration was more than 30,000 per year until the beginning of this century and emigration between 10 and 15,000. The big change began in 2002: immigration decreased and emigration increased. As a result, net migration fell very sharply and fell below zero in 2004. It took 4 years before a positive balance came back. Immigration increased, mainly due to asylum seekers from Somalia and Iraq, and declined again after 2009 as the number of asylum seekers declined.

Immigration is not limited to newcomers. It includes the second generation – who was born in the Netherlands by definition – who returns after emigration, but also first-generation immigrants who immigrate for the second time, after having emigrated earlier (of Dutch nationality). Emigration initially declined after 2006 and this was due to the fact that immigration had fallen so rapidly before, as immigration had increased again and emigration had increased again after 2009.

In the end, last year we had 21,719 immigrants, 23,587 emigrants, which gives a balance of less than 1,868. The fact that net immigration is negative does not mean that the group is no longer growing. Because the group is relatively young and has a higher fertility rate, it continues to grow. See, for example, the number of Muslims in the Netherlands double every 12 years?

Update 22-11 The table contained an error: 2002 was included in the 1996-2002 average. This is the old table. The text was therefore also slightly modified: 30% became 29% and 49% became 55% in case of difference.
Just over half of immigrants emigrate again, but as expected, this varies considerably over time. This figure was 29% for 2002 and 72% in the last 11 years. As a result, net migration decreased by 75%.