September 18, 2024


National Service for the Pastoral of Migrants

Saint-Paul Migrant, Apostle of Peoples JJMR 2009

Saint-Paul Migrant, Apostle of Peoples JJMR 2009

The theme of the World Day of The Migrant and the Refugee proposed by the Pontifical Council of the Pastoral of Migrants and Persons Itinerant to the Holy Father: an invitation to read or reread the traces of St. Paul to better discover his journey as a migrant, in many ways. this rich figure will help us to reflect on the vocation of the Church, and therefore on our own vocation within this church and in the world
Animation folder
The World Migrant and Refugee Day animation is at your disposal. you can order it by phone, or send us the attached purchase order. you can also pick it up on site, we will be happy to welcome you at our opening hours from Monday to Friday.
Materials on the Day
Message from the Holy Father


As every year, the Holy Father delivers a message for this World Migrant Day 2009.
Message from Bishop Schockert