January 24, 2025


National Service for the Pastoral of Migrants

Migration Dissected in the First Half of 2016

Migration Dissected in the First Half of 2016

Of the total number of immigrants by country of birth in the first half of 2016, almost 25% were asylum-related, 35% were born in another EU country. Thirty percent were born outside the EU and are not asylum-related and 13 per cent were born in the Netherlands.
By origin, 45% of immigrants were not Westerners and 45% were Western. Ten percent were native Dutch.

This is clear from the provisional figures from Statistics Netherlands that Statistics Netherlands published this week.
17:15 added Muslim countries just above the conclusions.

Migration by country of birth
The first table shows that total immigration reached nearly 100,000 people, 16,000 more than last year.

This increase is due to an increase in asylum migration for about 10,000 people. These are asylum seekers who have received a residence permit, family travellers and a group of asylum seekers who have been under the process for more than six months and can then be registered in the population register. Total asylum migration in the first six months was close to 23,000, making asylum migration almost a quarter of total immigration. The emigration of people from the countries of asylum is (still) low. Syria, for example, is not immediately a country to return to. Historically, one-third of asylum-seeking migrants leave after a short or long period of time. Asylum emigration now stands at more than 2,000, resulting in 20,000 net asylum immigrants. Asylum migrants account for more than half of the net migration of 40,400 foreign-born people.

From other EU countries, 34,600 people (40% of foreign-born immigrants) and 23,400 (over 50%)
migrated by origin.

The second table deals with origin: native Dutch and first and second generation of foreign origin. In addition to the vast majority of native Dutch, the country of birth in the Netherlands also provides everyone of the second generation. A small proportion of foreign-born people are Dutch nationals. After all, the definition of native Dutch is that both parents were born in the Netherlands. Then you can have a native child abroad. This child – perhaps already 100 years old – can then immigrate to the Netherlands. Officially as a native. In 2014, this represented about 2,000 Dutch immigrants of foreign origin throughout the year.

A total of 10,000 indigenous people immigrated and more than 12,000 emigrated. The net has “lost” the Netherlands to nearly 2,300 indigenous people.

I have already said that the country of birth also has the second generation of foreign origin. This group is not insignificant. For several years, this network has been a larger group of emigrants than native Dutch! This is also the case in the first six months, although second-generation net immigration has fallen significantly from -4,200 to -2,600 due to much lower emigration. I do not have an immediate explanation for that.

The figures of non-Westerns have risen sharply: there were 32,621 immigrants last year, this year it increased from 12,000 to nearly 45,000. A 38% increase! Of course, this increase is largely due to asylum seekers. Emigration decreased by 2,200. The majority may be due to fewer second-generation emigrants.
In total, of course, non-Western net migration has increased considerably: from 11,000 to more than 25,000, an increase of 131%.

In Western countries, we are also seeing an 11% increase in immigration, but even then Western countries are still slightly lower than in non-Western countries in the first half of the year, a situation that last occurred in 2004, but immigration was smaller all year than now in six months.
Western emigration has increased only slightly, meaning that net migration has increased by almost half, from more than 8,000 to 12,000.

Many asylum seekers still had to make a decision and then you still have the tragedy. It is estimated that 75% of last year’s 43,000 asylum seekers would receive a residence permit, including the return trip of ex-asylum seekers, which would represent 58,000 immigrants. This clearly shows that we can still expect a high immigration of immigrants, even though the number of new asylum seekers this year is low compared to last year.

Then you also have to deal with a seasonal effect at that time, namely students who come to study in the Netherlands and who now register as immigrants, even if you only stay in our country for a short time.

As a result, the number of immigrants will increase significantly. Statistics Netherlands forecast 240,000 immigrants for this year in its forecast at the end of last year. Whether this will work also depends to a large extent on the IND. If they continue like this, there will be very little tragedy that will happen. However, if they start catching up (tens of thousands of applications), you will have many more immigrants.

Added 6:00 p.m.
Because there are people who see a Muslim in every immigrant, I also calculated how many in 2015 and 2016 came from Muslim countries.

What we are seeing is that immigration has increased by almost 8,500. It should be noted that not all asylum seekers come from a Muslim country. For example, Eritrea is not a Muslim country. It is true that there is a significant minority, but not 50%.

With at least 27,000 people, you represent more than a quarter of the total number of immigrants. I said that Eritrea is not a Muslim country. 4,000 people immigrated from this country (nationality). Comparison with non-Westerns is difficult as you have significant immigration to Indonesia’s country of origin. Nevertheless, the net migration at 18,000 is significant and almost half of net immigration is in the first half of the year.

In summary, you can say that a quarter of immigrants and half of net immigration come from Muslim countries.

Just as well as only Muslims come from a Muslim country, only non-Muslims come from non-Muslim countries. See this article where differences are taken into account.

So much for the bill.

A large number of immigrants and emigrate. In people’s perceptions, they are mainly asylum migrants, but immigration in this group accounts for less than a quarter of immigration. However, it accounts for more than half of net immigration (net migration). Another constant “misunderstood” is that the emigrants are all Henk and Ingrids. Only one in five emigrants is from, and a significant portion of them also return. Net emigration is therefore only 2200.

We no longer know what the group of foreign immigrants looks like. Statistics Netherlands has not provided any information on this for years. Unfortunately, not everyone is interested in politics either.

Immigration will increase in the coming times by students and perhaps also due to the backlog of travel applications.

Sources: CBS x, x

Warning: The article may still change if I discover something that is not correct or unclear. If these are really important things, I’ll add (fat).

However, I do not know (yet) to what extent this latter group is also registered in practice. If this happens to a large extent, it can frustrate the figures of asylum migration, because of course there can always be a rejection of the application, which in turn will result in the delisting of the population register.